Terms of Purchase
1 GeneralBI Student Organisation is Norway’s second-largest student membership organization, representing more than 18,000 BI students across four campuses: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Stavanger. BISO works to safeguard student members’ interests and create an unforgettable student experience at BI Norwegian Business School. The following terms and conditions apply to membership in BI Student Organisation, hereafter referred to as “BISO.” The organization’s activities at various campuses are largely funded by the membership fees paid by BI students.
1.1 PartiesThe seller is BISO, email: contact@biso.no, phone: 47913191, address: Nydalsveien 37, 0484 Oslo, organization number: 987 713 380, and is referred to as the seller.
The buyer is the consumer who purchases a membership and is referred to as the buyer. Upon completion and approval of payment, the buyer is considered a member.
2 Membership in BI Student Organisation 2.1 ConditionsTo obtain membership in BISO, the buyer must be a BI student with an active study contract for the current academic year.
2.2 EnrollmentEnrollment in BISO can be done through the BI Student app. Membership starts immediately upon payment, and the membership status will be visible as valid in the BI Student app. The app serves as a digital, personal membership card. The membership card has an expiration date and does not renew automatically. The expiration date will be displayed in the app based on the membership option chosen by the buyer. Membership follows the duration of the semester.
3 Agreement and Delivery Terms 3.1 Binding AgreementThe agreement becomes binding for both parties when the buyer submits their order to the seller.
However, the agreement is not binding if there are typographical or clerical errors in the offer from the seller in the app or in the buyer’s order, and the other party knew or should have known about the error.
3.2 PriceThe buyer can choose to pay for membership for three different periods and receive a discount for a longer commitment. The listed price for membership is the total price the buyer will pay.
The current membership rates are available in the BI Student app.
3.3 PaymentThe buyer can pay the membership fee via Vipps or a bank card in the BI Student app. Invoicing is not available.
3.4 DeliveryThe buyer receives the service immediately through activation of the membership card in the app after payment via Vipps or bank card.
If BISO fails to deliver the service or delivers it late according to the agreement, the buyer may request fulfillment, cancellation, or compensation. Such a request must be submitted in writing via email to payments@biso.no or by mail to BISO.
4 Membership BenefitsMembership in BISO grants the buyer access to the current BISO membership benefits. These benefits mainly consist of career advantages through BISO’s strong relationship with the business sector, social integration through subgroups and events, and agreements that contribute to student welfare. The current list of benefits is available here. Benefits are personal and apply only to active members.
5 Termination of Membership 5.1 Right of WithdrawalThe buyer may exercise their right of withdrawal and cancel the purchase by notifying BISO within two (2) weeks of entering into the agreement, pursuant to the Right of Withdrawal Act § 20. A standardized withdrawal form is available on BISO’s website. The right of withdrawal does not apply to single-use services delivered within a specific period, such as membership fees, if the service has been used, pursuant to the Right of Withdrawal Act § 19(b). Payment of the membership fee grants immediate access to BISO’s discount benefits, access to member events, and other membership advantages. The membership fee is non-refundable if the buyer has utilized such benefits.
5.2 Notification of WithdrawalTo exercise the right of withdrawal and cancel membership, the buyer must contact BISO via email, contact form, letter, or phone. BISO will confirm the membership cancellation in writing within two (2) weeks.
6 Liability for Defects and Breach of Contract 6.1 Defects in the Service and ComplaintsIf there is a defect in the service, the buyer must notify the seller in writing within a reasonable time after discovering or should have discovered the defect. The buyer may request correction, a price reduction, or cancellation under the Consumer Purchase Act, Chapter 6.
6.2 Seller’s Rights in Case of Buyer’s BreachIf the buyer fails to pay or fulfill other obligations under the agreement or law, and this is not due to the seller, the seller may, under the Consumer Purchase Act, Chapter 9, withhold the service, demand fulfillment of the agreement, cancel the agreement, and claim compensation from the buyer. The seller may also, in certain cases, charge interest on late payments and collection fees.
6.3 Dispute ResolutionComplaints should be directed to the seller within a reasonable time, as stated in Section 6.1 of the membership terms. The parties should attempt to resolve disputes amicably. If unsuccessful, the buyer may contact the Consumer Council for mediation. The Consumer Council is available at phone number 23400500 or www.forbrukerradet.no.
The European Commission’s complaint portal may