Substance Use Policy


The purpose of this substance use policy is to ensure and maintain a safe and healthy study and learning environment for students. It involves awareness efforts as well as actual assistance in cases where students have, or are at risk of developing, problems related to substance use. This is something that BI Norwegian Business School and BISO aim to collaborate on. The policy should have a preventive effect and help shape students’ attitudes and expectations regarding the use of alcohol and permitted performance-enhancing substances, while also emphasizing BISO and BI Norwegian Business School’s zero tolerance for illegal drugs. This policy applies to all BISO members.


The background for this policy is based on the results from SHoT 2014 and 2018, the “Føre Var” reporting by Korus in Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim in 2018, the student survey “Optimal Student” conducted at the Trondheim campus in 2014, and the initiative of engaged BISO students advocating for such a policy to exist for BI’s student organization. The organization seeks to enhance its focus on substance use prevention by establishing clearer guidelines for substance use within the student organization.

Responsibility and Follow-Up

The policy will be updated as needed. It is up to the national leadership to revise the policy as required. Local leadership and the HR department are encouraged to collect feedback from campuses to ensure a broad-based review.

The national leadership must inform the BISO board when revising the policy. Leaders with positions of trust (national leadership, local leadership, and HR, as well as employees and students with leadership roles in the student association) MUST attend training at least once per semester. This ensures they have the necessary tools to recognize and address fellow students with substance use problems. The training is defined as a course/lecture and can be organized by:

  • AKAN
  • Student Welfare Organization (Samskipnaden)
  • Competence Center for Substance Use (Korus)
  • Project Lykkepromille

Leaders with personnel responsibilities (unit managers) are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one such course per semester.

Substance Use Policy – Key Points

  • BISO shall be an organization that supports BI Norwegian Business School’s goal of a safe and inclusive study and learning environment.
  • Narcotic substances for non-medical use are strictly prohibited on campus or at any events organized by BI or the student association.
  • At events organized by BISO where alcohol is served, local department guidelines must be followed. Alcohol-free alternatives must always be available.
  • There shall be no peer pressure to drink alcohol from any BISO representative.
  • The policy must be well communicated to ALL students through information channels such as the student portal.
  • The student organization shall actively work to identify substance abuse or risky behavior among students.
  • If substance abuse issues are identified within the organization, they must be reported immediately to local leadership or HR at the campus. Reporting to the educational institution is encouraged.
  • For major events such as Fadderullan, efforts must be made to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for both new and returning students by balancing alcohol-free and alcohol-inclusive events.

Guidelines for Handling Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Procedures/guidelines for substance abuse at BI Norwegian Business School and in BISO:

BI Norwegian Business School and BISO have clear positions and rules regarding substance abuse. Substance use includes alcohol, narcotics, and certain types of medications that can cause intoxication, such as anabolic agents, Valium, and other benzodiazepines.

Examples of Preventive Measures:

  • Access to a school nurse, doctor, or counselor on campus
  • Counseling and short interventions
  • Alcohol reduction measures during Fadderullan (e.g., alcohol-free events, sports activities, etc.)
  • Awareness campaigns in collaboration with the Student Welfare Organization and Project Lykkepromille
  • More alcohol-free/non-alcohol-focused events organized by BISO – both nationally and locally


  • If intoxication is suspected during lectures or elsewhere on campus, the student should be encouraged to contact a counselor, school nurse, or doctor on campus for advice and follow-up.
  • If the guidelines for alcohol service, alcohol consumption, or drug use are violated by students with roles in BISO, various sanctions may apply.
  • Alcohol service must comply with the guidelines in place at the respective campus.
  • Alcohol consumption at BISO-organized events should be moderate. If a BISO representative becomes overly intoxicated, they may be sent home, and the incident should be reported to their immediate supervisor. It is strongly encouraged that this also applies to all students. Repeated intoxication from students with positions in BISO may result in sanctions under local or central statutes.
  • General alcohol consumption on campus will be sanctioned according to BI Norwegian Business School’s substance use policies. This also applies to pubs and events with alcohol service.
  • Drug use: Any use or sale will be reported to the police.