Næringslivsutvalget (NU) serves as the link between students and the business world, aiming to shorten the distance between studies and employment. We organize various events, such as company presentations, company visits, or stands, to connect you with potential employers.
One of our greatest projects, is the well-known project aimed at inspiring our female students, Female Business Forum. They have experienced significant growth over the years and are managed, planned, and run by selected members of NU.
We currently have over 60 active members, and a growing alumni network. Our activities and events result from our highly engaged and committed members, as well as the professional culture passed down from our alumni. Our growth and success are also due to our social nature, fostering lasting friendships even after studies within our close-knit community. We organize social trips and low threshold social events to strengthen our community and create lasting memories (do not get us started on birthdays and pre-parties).
We are a unit for all students with a can-do attitude, who wish to contribute and gain hands-on experience and a great professional network. Nevertheless, NU is a great place for all who want to secure the students’ best interests and possibilities. We do our best to have a good variety of members from all study programs and a perfect mix of personalities that complete each other to form the greatest BISO unit on campus.
We recruit members once a year, and with no doubt we wish that YOU apply for Næringslivsutvalget!