Apply for support to student activities
The BI fund is given to BI Student Organisation by BI Business School with the purpose of increasing social integration for all students at BI. The fund should promote actions and activities that raise the quality of student life for the overall experience of being a student at BI Business School.
Apply for funding from the BI fund today and get assistance for an activity
The fund should contribute to promote social and academic integration and a good learning environment for all students at BI Business School.

Economic support
Who can apply?
All students and student groups at BI Business School may apply for support from the BI-fund. All BISO-units, sister- and subsidiaries of BISO, BI alumni students and other organisations associated with BI students have the rights to apply for fund.
- All students at BI Business School
- Studentgroups at BI Business School
All BISO-units
- Projects
- Academic Associations
- Socieities
- Staff Functions
- Campus managements
- Committees
- BI Athletics
- StudConsult AS
- BISO Kroa AS
Others who may apply:
- BI alumni students or groups
- Organisations associated with BI students
What the fund can be used for
The BI fund is to be used for academic and social events or other intensives that will increase the integration of students at BI Business School.
- Events and activities outside of your unit to include as many students as possible
- Unbudgeted activities with intentions to include as many students as possible
- Academic events in collaboration with BI Business School
- Inclusion and integration of international students
- Alternative forms of learning and learning arenas outside the lecture hall
- Inclusion and integration of students with particular needs
- Activities that promote social inclusion at BI Business School
- Activities that promote academic integration at BI Business School
- Initiative that raise quality for student life and overall experience as a student at BI Business School
More specifically, the fund will support:
- Projects
- Events of a professional and social nature
- Aktiviteter av faglig og sosial karakter
Apply for support from the BI fund today and get assistance for your activity
It can be difficult to know what you can apply support for, but we encourage you to apply regardless of your idea! The finance committee in BISO looks forward to reading your application, giving you feedback and assistance if needed. Apply today for what you dream of achieving for your fellow students!
Tips & tricks
How to write a goodapplication for funding?
The best tip we can give is to apply for what you want to do. No applications will be flatly rejected and all applications will receive feedback. See below for some tips for writing an application.
- Keep the application short and precise about what you want to do
- Check out previously approved applications further down the page
- Check whether you qualify to apply before you apply
- Submit your application via the form-link further up the page and follow the steps in the form
- Set up a clear budget with revenue and costs associated with what you wish to apply for
- Do not write a long application with a lot of coherent text. Think quality and quantity!

Get started!
Fill in the application form, and we will help you today!
The finance committee is here to help you. At the bottom of this page, you will also find an FAQ with questions and answers related to the BI fund. We have also added the conditions for the fund, budget template and guidelines below so you can quickly get started with writing your application.
Who will process the application?
The finance committee of BISO processes all applications to the BI fund. The committee consists of a leader and several members from all BI’s campuses. The committee reads applications, looks at the budget and either prepares a recommendation for approval/rejection to the board of BISO, or provides feedback and tips for your application.
When the finance committee has processed an application, it is sent to the board of BISO for approval. The board of BISO assesses the application, proposal, amount and financial situation. Looking for feedback as soon as the application has been processed.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have the answers to all your questions.