Welcome to BISO

BI Student Organization

BISO is the student organization

for all studentsacross BI’s four campuses in

Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim & Stavanger

"BISO is definitely the best way to make friends and gain experience when you're a student at BI!"

Would you like to get involved in a committee inBISO?

Several campuses are now advertising positions!

BISO National Meeting 2025

We are proud to announce our annual National Meeting, taking place March 22-23, 2025 at BI Trondheim. This event represents the highest governing power of BISO and brings together student representatives from across all BI campuses. What is the National Meeting? The National Meeting is where BISO addresses national-level topics and sets its direction for

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Event calendar



Are you a student?

Get closer to the business community, find friends for life, and save money at the same time. Become a BISO member and enjoy benefits such as:


Er du bedrift?

Build relationships with BI students at one or more of our campuses. Meet innovative, skilled, and motivated students. Recruit your future colleagues!


BISO jobber for å forbedre studietilbudet ditt

BISO works at the interface between the students and BI to improve the quality of studies.

Our policy

Safeguards the interests of BISO members

BISO is a politically independent organization whose main task is to safeguard the interests of BISO members.

The BI Fund

Søk økonomisk støtte for studentaktivitet

The BI fund shall be used for academic and social events or other incentives that will increase the integration of BI students.

Våre samarbeidspartnere
