Investment Committee Leader

Closing on: Mar 2, 2025
Velg campus: Bergen National Oslo Stavanger Trondheim
Velg type verv: Invest Manager
Velg interesser: leader management manager Stocks

Do you want to lead the Investment Committee in BISO and influence how the organization’s funds are invested? The Investment Committee consists of a minimum of -5 and a maximum of -8 members. The duration of the Committee Leader position is from 1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026. The position is remunerated.

The purpose of the Investment Committee is to invest BISO’s liquid funds in such a way that the funds can grow steadily and assist the board of BISO in processing applications for the gift fund from BI. The Investment Committee has the mandate to develop and adapt a financial investment plan in accordance with BISO’s strategy. They will assess investment opportunities in the equity and bond markets as well as other investment markets. The committee will present their proposals to the Board for approval before making the investments and managing the portfolio.

The Committee Leader has the overall responsibility for organizing the committee’s work and for convening regular committee meetings, which shall be at least once a quarter. It is not a requirement that the committee leader or any of the committee members are active students. Other committee members can be recruited by the Committee Leader together with HR.

The Committee Leader shall ensure continuous effective and good communication with the Chairman of the Board in BISO, as well as provide information to board meetings. The Committee Leader shall also ensure a close dialogue with the Business Controller and the Accounting Manager. The Investment Committee reports to BISO’s Board of Trustees.

The Committee Leader is expected to represent all four campuses equally and to raise the gaze from their campus to a national collaboration. Integrity and independence is required, and it is expected that you will be able to work in a structured and targeted manner in line with BISO’s strategy. You are required to be decisive and have the ability to critically reflect on your own and others’ actions.

Motivation for the position, knowledge of BISO and experience from other management positions or positions are highly emphasized. In addition, emphasis is placed on personal suitability and relevant experience from the field.

Send your motivation letter (1 page) and any other relevant documents such as CV and certificates to by Sunday 2 March at 23.59. Search either in Norwegian or English – depending on what you prefer. Please state “Application to Investment Committee Leader” in the subject.

Interviews will be conducted digitally by two people from the BISO HR team who will then nominate a candidate for the position and elections will be held at the National Meeting in Trondheim 22. – 23. March. It is possible to attend the meeting digitally to hold a speech and question round.

Questions can be sent by e-mail to the Investment Committee Leader, Iver Hexeberg, to
