We are now recruiting delegates for BISO’s ordinary national meeting in Trondheim from Friday, March 21, to Sunday, March 23, 2025. Delegates must be able to participate in person at the national meeting.
The national meeting is the highest decision-making body for the student organization. Decision-making authority at the national meeting is given to a gathering of delegates from BISO. Delegates to the national meeting will have voting rights on behalf of their campus. This includes voting rights for the election of national roles, amendments to the statutes, etc.
Each campus will be represented at the national meeting by four (4) delegates from their campus management. Each campus is allocated one (1) student representative for every eight hundred (800) full-time students enrolled at that campus. We are currently seeking these student representatives.
Oslo has 11 student representatives to be elected by the general assembly, and this election has now been moved to the association manager meeting.
If you are interested in the position, you have to attend the academic association manager meeting (LLM) on Thursday 28 November, which starts at 17:00.
Benching can be done by email to hr@biso.no by Wednesday 27 November at 17:00. You will then get information about the room for the meeting.
All candidates will have 1 minute for a speech and a maximum of 3 minutes for a Q&A session from the audience.