BISO Stavanger


We are a project made by and for students, where the board (including our representative ambassadors) is working towards our final goal in September. We want to present different parts of the business community to the students at BI Campus Stavanger. Every year, the Karrieredagene work toward reducing the distance from the school desk to a potential career in the business world. We want to introduce different companies and opportunities for part-time jobs, full-time jobs, or even internships for our students.

Lectures with insightful professionals from the business world​

Talk to companies
at booths and get

Find an internship or a job opportunity that suits you

Learn more about an
industry or a

Job Opportunities​

Join a speed interview​

BISO Members

40% discount on your Fadderullan tickets.

As a student, you get great benefits during Career Days by being a BISO member.

Stay updated​

We document the Faderullan process.

We document the process and show you what you have to look forward to. Follow us on Instagram for
the latest updates on Career Days.

For companies​

Get a great start to your studies at BI.

Meet your future colleagues

Showcase your company's values

Headhunt the best candidates

Networking with students at the banquet

Become a partner​

Let’s tailor a package for you.​

Stand-by prices depend on location


Collaborative exposure of a business in the form of sponsorship


​Product sponsorship exposure of product and logo


Book a stand​

Come and talk to the students on campus during the fair day.​

Book a lecture​

Want to showcase your company even more? Hold a company presentation.​


Our national partners
