BI Student Organisasjon

Winter Games

BISO Winter Games is an incredibly fun project where BI students from all over the country travel together on a joint trip to Storefjell! This trip will be filled with exciting activities, entertainment, and an amazing atmosphere.

Cabin trip with other
BI students from all over the country

Join the après-ski with other BI students from all over the country​

Filled with fun activities and entertainment​

Make many new friends from BI student life all over the country​

Membership Benefits​

For BISO members​

Become a BISO member​

You must be a BISO member to participate​

Note! You must be a BISO member to participate in the Winter Games. But why not join? It comes with so many other benefits too!

P&P Storefjell Fult Format (13 of 126)

Stay updated​

We document BISO Winter Games​

We document the process and show you what you have to look forward to. Follow us on Instagram for
the latest updates on BISO Winter Games.

Program 2023

See the full program for BISO Winter Games​

See the program

Social activities and lots of fun.

Packed with games, après-ski, and sledding!

The program will be released in January 2023. Get ready for an amazing time!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers to all your questions.​

Spørsmål 1
Fadderullan 2022 arrangeres 15.- 22.august.
Spørsmål 2
Billetter til diverse event blir lagt ut et par dager i forveien av eventet. De fleste billetter blir solgt gjennom Ticketco. Det blir delt informasjon rundt billettsalg i forkant på Instagram og Facebook.
Spørsmål 3
Ta godt vare på båndet ditt, for om du mister det så får du ikke et nytt et. Om båndet ditt ryker eller blir ødelagt, send oss en DM så tar vi det derfra. Du får et nytt bånd så lenge vi har igjen.
Spørsmål 4
Om du mangler gruppe, så hjelper vi deg med det. Du kan ta kontakt med

BISO Winter Games

Who organizes BISO Winter Games?​

Ola Normann

Ola Normann

Ola Normann

Ola Normann

Ola Normann

Ola Normann

Ola Normann


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