BISO Bergen
Here you can find relevant information about membership benefits, events and available position at campus Bergen.
Membership benefits
Maximize your student time by being a BISO-member
Career benefits
BISO helps you land the job!
At BISO Bergen you get relevant experience through voluntary work, courses and workshops. With us you receive benefits that will help you in your work life!
- Free company presentations
- Interview-coaching with BISO HR
- Working life-specific courses
- Relevant work experience
- CV-portrait photo with BISO Media
Social network
Find your friends for life!
Our members can apply for positions with our staff function, or interest groups. You can also participate on exclusive events both on Campus and nationally.
- Join sub groups
- Events on campus
- Join Winter Games!
- 40% discount on Fadderullan
A safe study time is a good study time
Som BISO medlem blir stemmen din hørt, og styrket i studentpolitikken og akademia. Du får også tilgang på rabatter i det lokale næringslivet.
As a BISO member, your voice will be heard and strengthened in the student policits and Akademia. You will also get access to discounts in the local business environment.
- BISO HR helps you find a group that suits you!
- Strengthens your voice in politics
- Strengthens your voice in Akademia
- Discounts for members
Step for Step- How to receive the benefits
Download the BI-Student App and login
Select BISO in the tabs
Select the desired payment option
Vipps, then you have all the member benefits!
Events in Bergen
What is happening in BISO Bergen?

Sub units in Bergen
Join making the student time even better for BI Students!

Vi har ingen ledige stillinger akkurat nå / We currently have no job openings
Join this years big events!

Fadderullan is BISO Bergens largest social event! It is also the first event fresh students will experience, and often make friends for the rest of their student period

Career days
Career days is BISO Bergens largest professional event. During this period you will you will be able to join seminars and fair days with many organisations!

Winter Games
Winter Games is BISOs largest national project and afterski-event. The trip to Storefjell is filled with fun activities, entertainment and a nice vibe!
Contact information
Contact BISO Bergen
Visit us
Kong, Chr. Frederiks gate 5, 5006 Bergen
Send an email

Eirik Helgesen
+47 940 56 349

August Runde
Financial Controller
+47 414 07 370

Therese Grande
Head of Academics & Sustainability
+47 480 41 275

Helene Bruvik
Head of External Affairs +47 900 12 849

Helene Tjelta
Head of Content, Marketing & PR
+47 467 67 267

Emilie Litleré
Head of Internal Affairs
+47 453 70 516

Ina Krognes Hanssen
Head of Projects
+47 404 67 029

Waldemar Johansen
Head of Business Relatons
+47 948 84 766
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