BI Student Organisation

Business Hotspot

A brand new concept on Campus Oslo. A recruitmentstand is a nice way to reach students, but imagine having a stand on Campus for two months! Build relations with our students, show off your values and how you differentiate.

What we do

What do BISO do on our campuses?


Differentiate yourself

Showcase why BI-students should want to work with you. Do you have a broad or a specialized expertise? What values would you like to promote?



Two months of brand exposure in your own area in addition to sharing job ads, internships or other messages on a monitor!



Find something simple, or even extra fun. Host academic speed dates, talk about something you are passionate about, or simply invite for coffee. Our students are not ahrd to reach!


Build relations

Get an unique advantage by expose your company to thousands of BI students every day, over time.

Numbers from BI

Curious about some numbers?

About 6000 students visit the Campus every day

About 5500 BISO-members in Oslo

About 14 000 students at BI Oslo

14 different bachelor-programmes og 15 masterprogrammes
