Association Manager – Finance Master

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As the association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Association Manager – International Management

Som Linjeleder/Association Manager for International Management har du som ansvar å representere IM-studentene i studentforeningen, samt i møter med BI. Du vil ha det overordnede ansvaret for styrets virksomhet. Dette innebærer arenaer som fremdriftsplaner, oppnåelse av målsettinger, aktiviteter og trivsel. Du vil ha ansvaret for at oppgaver innad i styret blir fordelt og delegert på …
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Association Manager Master – BI_LUISS & Strategic Marketing Management

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As the association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Manager – BISO Event Comittee

BISO Event Committee er en engelsktalende stabsfunksjon direkte under BISO Ledelsen med formål å støtte ledelsen i å arrangere sosiale arrangementer for alle BI studenter på Campus Oslo. Alle i BISO Event Committe må beherske engelsk flytende og være komfortable med å holde møter på engelsk. BISO Event Committee er mest kjent for å arrangere …
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General Manager – BISO Invest

BISO Invest is responsible for investing on BISO’s behalf and managing their portfolio to ensure their liquidity. Their goal is to help BI students discover the world of finance through various channels: screening and valuation of potential future equity investments, but also meeting and expanding their network with various Nordic investment banks. The General Manager …
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