Styreleder / Chair of the Board

Vil du ha verdifull erfaring og innsikt i styrearbeid og være med på å videreutvikle en av Norges største studentorganisasjoner? Vi rekrutterer nå en Chair of the Board (styreleder) til BI Student Organisation (BISO). Funksjonsperioden for dette vervet er 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2025. Det er ikke et krav om at man er aktiv student for å …
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Association Manager Master – BI_LUISS & Strategic Marketing Management

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As the association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Linjeleder/Association Manager – Master sivøk

Som linjeleder er du ansvarlig for styret, dets strategiske retning og dets generelle suksess. Du vil jobbe tett med President Bachelor og sammen sørge for effektiv informasjonsflyt i styret. Vårt overordnede mål er å sørge for at hver beslutning som tas av styret vårt utelukkende er rettet mot å forbedre den akademiske og sosiale velferden …
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Association Manager for MSc in Business Analytics

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As the association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Association Manager for MSc in Sustainable Finance

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As a association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Association Manager for BA in Digital Business

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As the association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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