Business Relations – Fadderullan Bergen

Vil du være med å planlegge og arrangere fadderuken 2024? Fadderullan har ansvar for å lage et arrangement der nye studenter skal kunne bli komfortable i sin nye studiehverdag. Formålet er å skape en minneverdig og sosial studiestart for nye studenter, og gi de en varm velkomst til studiestedet, studentsamfunnet og Bergen by. Du skal …
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Arrangementansvarlig – BISO Social

Vi i BISO Stavanger ønsker å gjøre studenthverdagen så innholdsrik som mulig for våre medstudenter. Et sentralt virkemiddel er å skape flere arenaer hvor studenter kan møtes, kjenne tilhørighet og utvikle gode, trygge relasjoner til medstudenter. Vi i BISO har derfor opprettet BISO Social som skal være et team i organisasjonen vår, med et ekstra …
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Event Coordinator – Orgpsyk

Organisasjonspsykologi, HR og ledelse rekrutterer nå til et nytt styre. Det nye styre trer i kraft fra 1.januar 2023. Har du lyst til å bidra til en god student hverdag for studentene på organisasjonspsykologi, HR og ledelse oppfordres du til å søke. Dette er fin erfaring å ta med seg videre og du vil få …
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PR & Communication Manager Graduate Students Society (master)

What is the Graduate Students’ Society? The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an association for Master students within BI Student Organization (BISO). The overall goal of the GSS Board is to organize and facilitate events throughout the year that provide growth and development opportunities to all Master students. The main focus is to plan and …
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Financial Manager GSS (master)

What is the Graduate Students’ Society? The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an association for Master students within BI Student Organization (BISO). The overall goal of the GSS Board is to organize and facilitate events throughout the year that provide growth and development opportunities to all Master students. The main focus is to plan and …
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Event Manager Graduate Students Society (master)

What is the Graduate Students’ Society? The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an association for Master students within BI Student Organization (BISO). The overall goal of the GSS Board is to organize and facilitate events throughout the year that provide growth and development opportunities to all Master students. The main focus is to plan and …
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Business Relations Manager GSS (master)

What is the Graduate Students’ Society? The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an association for Master students within BI Student Organization (BISO). The overall goal of the GSS Board is to organize and facilitate events throughout the year that provide growth and development opportunities to all Master students. The main focus is to plan and …
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Buddy Coordinator Graduate Students Society (master)

What is the Graduate Students’ Society? The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an association for Master students within BI Student Organization (BISO). The overall goal of the GSS Board is to organize and facilitate events throughout the year that provide growth and development opportunities to all Master students. The main focus is to plan and …
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Deputy Manager GSS (master)

What is the Graduate Students’ Society? The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) is an association for Master students within BI Student Organization (BISO). The overall goal of the GSS Board is to organize and facilitate events throughout the year that provide growth and development opportunities to all Master students. The main focus is to plan and …
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Event Manager – Studentpolitisk Utvalg

Studentpolitisk utvalg (SPU) er en stabsfunksjon på campus Oslo, som skal representere studentens stemme på BI. SPU samarbeider tett med Head of External Affairs, men skal i hovedsak fungere autonomt. Utvalget jobber med å utforme studentpolitikk på BI, men har også et stort fokus på sosiale arrangementer. Hovedmålet med SPU er å nå frem til …
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