Nestleder Fadderullan 2025 – BISO Stavanger

Vil du være med å arrangere BISO sitt mest sosiale og ikke minst morsomste arrangement? Fadderullan søker nå Nestleder! Vi ser etter deg som ønsker å skape uforglemmelige øyeblikk og løfte Fadderullan til nye høyder. La oss sørge for at studiestarten på BI blir en god opplevelse for absolutt alle. Formålet med Fadderullan er at …
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Manager for AIESEC

AIESEC is now looking for a new manager! if you are ready for new experiences or want to contribute with good expertise, you can apply now. AIESEC BI is a student organization that offers students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through global and cross-cultural experiences. We focus on empowering students through work that …
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Eventansvarlig i Næringslivsutvalget – BISO Stavanger

Skap minneverdige opplevelser for studentene! Er du en energisk og kreativ student ved Handelshøyskolen BI i Stavanger som elsker å planlegge og gjennomføre arrangementer? Vil du være med på å skape minneverdige øyeblikk og berike studentopplevelsen for både deg selv og andre? Næringslivsutvalget (NU) søker nå etter tre engasjerte studenter til rollene som Event Coordinators! …
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Medlemmer til Kollektivet

Kollektivet er på utkikk etter nye medlemmer. Hvis dette høres interessant ut er det bare å søke! Kollektivet er et sosialt utvalg som jobber for å finne på morsomme aktiviteter som paintball, boblefotball, hytteturer og «fangene på fortet». Utvalgets hovedmål er å hjelpe studenter på tvers av alle linjer og aldre til å bli kjent …
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Manager for Kollektivet

Kollektivet is searching for a new manager! Kollektivet is a social society of students that works to come up with fun activities such as paintball, bubble football, cabin trips and “fangene pà fortet”. The society’s main goal is to help students across all academic associations and ages to get to know each other.  As a …
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Operations Manager Outdoor

What is BISO Outdoor? BISO Outdoor is a subunit under BISO that provides different indoor and outdoor social events for its members. Such events may be cabin trips, hikes at beautiful places in Norway, social gatherings and much more. BISO Outdoor is all about creating amazing social experiences and memories for its members. What/who is …
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PR & Marketing Manager Outdoor

What is BISO Outdoor? BISO Outdoor is a subunit under BISO that provides different indoor and outdoor social events for its members. Such events may be cabin trips, hikes at beautiful places in Norway, social gatherings and much more. BISO Outdoor is all about creating amazing social experiences and memories for its members. What/who is …
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Event Manger Outdoor

What is BISO Outdoor? BISO Outdoor is a subunit under BISO that provides different indoor and outdoor social events for its members. Such events may be cabin trips, hikes at beautiful places in Norway, social gatherings and much more. BISO Outdoor is all about creating amazing social experiences and memories for its members. What/who is …
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Business Relations Manager Outdoor

What is BISO Outdoor? BISO Outdoor is a subunit under BISO that provides different indoor and outdoor social events for its members. Such events may be cabin trips, hikes at beautiful places in Norway, social gatherings and much more. BISO Outdoor is all about creating amazing social experiences and memories for its members. Who/What is …
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Be Outdoor Member!

What is BISO Outdoor? BISO Outdoor is a subunit under BISO that provides different indoor and outdoor social events for its members. Such events may be cabin trips, hikes at beautiful places in Norway, social gatherings, parties and much more. BISO Outdoor is all about creating amazing social experiences and memories for its members!! Who …
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