PR & Communication Manager – Finance Master

The PR and Communications manager’s main task is to convey all relevant information from the academic association, BISO, and BI to the students through the academic association’s social media. You are also responsible for ensuring that all content that is published on the associations channels, e.g. Instagram or the class groups on Facebook, do not …
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Event Manager – Finance Master

As event manager, you are responsible for both small and large events for the entire study program both on and off Campus. You have the main responsibility for arranging social and academic events; including some in the buddy week. Your tasks include booking premises, keeping a close dialogue with the financial manager for financial support, …
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Business Relations Manager – Finance Master

The Business Relations Manager’s main task is to establish stronger ties with the business world, in order to make the students of the study program even more attractive on the job market. The Business Relations Managers tasks include amongst having a connection with the business community and other schools. As the Business Relations Manager you …
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Financial Manager – Finance Master

As financial manager, you are responsible for following up on all the financial matters that the academic association must take care of. As financial manager you are also the deputy manager and must work closely with the association manager so that you can assist when the association manager is not available. It is the financial …
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Association Manager – Finance Master

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As the association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Event Manager – BI_LUISS & Strategic Marketing Management Master

As event manager, you are responsible for both small and large events for the entire study program both on and off Campus. You have the main responsibility for arranging social and academic events; including some in the buddy week. Your tasks include booking premises, keeping a close dialogue with the financial manager for financial support, …
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PR and Communications Manager – International Management

PR and Communications Manager har overordnet ansvar for informering, markedsføring og profilering innad, i tillegg til utad for eksterne aktører. Man er ansvarlig for linjens kanaler, herunder alle sosiale medier, og er dermed ansvarlig for kommunikasjonen mellom linjestyret og studentene på International Management. Søknad kan sendes til: hr.oslo.associations@biso.noSøknadsfrist: Søndag 07.05.23 kl.23:59

Academic Relations Manager – International Management

Academic Relations Manager er det bindende leddet mellom administrasjonen på BI, linjestyret og klassekontaktene. I denne stillingen skal man være tilgjengelig for studentene og svare på spørsmål relatert til det akademiske på skolen, og sørge for at kurs og forelesninger fungerer godt. Gjennom deg gjør du dine medstudenter hørt! Ved å fremme saker og tilbakemeldinger …
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Business Relations Manager – International Management

Business Relations Manager har ansvar for å knytte linjen International Management, med arbeids- og næringslivet. Hovedoppgavene går ut på å entre nye samarbeidsavtaler, samt opprettholde de eksisterende. Dette inkluderer bedriftsbesøket som skal foregå under linjeturen. Sammen med Project Manager vil man også ha ansvar for å organisere vårens IM-Conference. Dermed kontakte og rekruttere bedrifter til …
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Project Manager – International Management

Project Manager i International Management styret har ansvar for å organisere og planlegge den årlige linjeturen. På linjeturen tar studentene på IM turen til et av landene som er mulig å studere i 3. året. Linjeturen inneholder et bedriftsbesøk og skolebesøk i det landet man besøker. Som Project Manager vil du i takt med Business …
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