Event Manager- Femmes Fatales

Femmes Fatales is now looking for a new manager. We are the female choir that focus on friendship and being social, with musical joy that brings us together. Key Responsibilities: Qualifications and Skills: Application with motivational letter, and a CV if you want, can be sent to hr.victoria.oslo@biso.no Application deadline is 29th of January 23:59

Manager-Femmes Fatales

Femmes Fatales is now looking for a new manager. We are the female choir that focus on friendship and being social, with musical joy that brings us together. As the Manager, you will be the driving force behind the choir’s success, and to support the other board members in their work. You will also be …
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Event Manager- Sunday League

The Event Manager is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing avariety of social events and gatherings for the university’s football society. Thisrole involves coordinating logistics, managing budgets, and ensuring the smoothrunning of all events. Key Responsibilities:● Event Planning and Execution:○ Develop and implement a comprehensive event calendar for theacademic year, including football match viewing parties, …
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PR and Communications Manager- Sunday League

The PR and Communications manager is responsible for developing andexecuting a comprehensive communications strategy to enhance the visibilityand reputation of the university’s football society. This role involves managingsocial media platforms, creating engaging content, and implementing marketinginitiatives to attract new members and foster a strong community. Key Responsibilities:● Social Media Management:○ Oversee and manage the society’s …
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Financial Manager- Sunday League

The Financial Manager is responsible for overseeing the football society’sfinancial operations. This includes managing the allocated budget, ensuringfinancial compliance, and making informed financial decisions to support theclub’s activities. Key Responsibilities:● Budget Management:○ Develop and manage the annual budget, allocating funds to variousactivities and events.○ Monitor and track expenses to ensure they align with the approvedbudget.● …
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Financial Assistant til Financial Controller Oslo

Om BISO Oslo: BISO Oslo er en fremoverlent og dynamisk studentorganisasjon kjent for sitt engasjement for å fremme studentenes interesser og karriereutvikling. Vårt mål er å skape verdifulle opplevelser og muligheter for våre medlemmer gjennom et bredt spekter av faglige og sosiale aktiviteter.  Stillingens hensikt: Vi søker nå en Financial Assistant som kan støtte vår Financial Controller …
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Case Club Business Relations Manager

Are you looking for a position to help boost your CV? Case Club is looking for a new Business Relations manager. As a Business Relations Manager for the Case Club, your role involves building and maintaining relationships with corporate partners and sponsors. You work to secure funding, resources, and opportunities for club activities, such as …
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Nestleder Fadderullan 2025 – BISO Stavanger

Vil du være med å arrangere BISO sitt mest sosiale og ikke minst morsomste arrangement? Fadderullan søker nå Nestleder! Vi ser etter deg som ønsker å skape uforglemmelige øyeblikk og løfte Fadderullan til nye høyder. La oss sørge for at studiestarten på BI blir en god opplevelse for absolutt alle. Formålet med Fadderullan er at …
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Financial Manager – International Management

Som Financial Manager for linjeforeningen vil du ha overordnet ansvar for økonomien. Dette innebærer blant annet å holde oversikt over linjeforeningens inntekter og kostnader, samt ha god kommunikasjon med Financial Controller i BISO Ledelsen. Det er gunstig for søkere å ha erfaring med Excel, budsjettering og god tallforståelse – men det er ikke et krav. …
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Business Relations Manager – BBA

Som Business Relations Manager for linjeforeningen vil du ha ansvar for å kontakte og lage avtaler med bedrifter og enkeltpersoner, og svært viktig for planleggingen og gjennomføringen av en rekke arrangementer. Fordelene med denne stillingen er at du får utvidet ditt profesjonelle nettverk og får praktisk erfaring med forhandlinger og forretningsrelasjoner. Arbeidsoppgaver: Personlige egenskaper: Søknad med …
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