General Manager for Data analytics

Data Analytics is a society that teaches you all about Python, Excel and WordPress. There will be a lot of workshops and events with collaboration with PwC and Accenture. As a general manager for data analytics your responsibilities are; To have an overall responsibility for events and workshops that are arranged. It is important that …
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Financial Manager for Data Analytics

Data Analytics is a society that teaches you all about Python, Excel and WordPress. There will be a lot of workshops and events with collaboration with PwC and Accenture. As a financial manager for Data Analytics your responsibilities are; Mainly to ensure that the finances within data analytics are tidy. This person must prepare a …
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General Manager for Stauren Extreme

Stauren Extreme is a society that arranges and is responsible for different kind of trips through out the school year. Stauren extreme has been on different trips like a surfing trip to Portugal and an alpine trip to Austria. As a manager for stauren extreme your responsibilities are; To have an overall responsibility for trips …
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Financial Manager for Stauren Extreme

Stauren Extreme is a society that arranges and is responsible for different kind of trips through out the school year. Stauren extreme has been on different trips like a surfing trip to Portugal and an alpine trip to Austria. As a financial manager for stauren extreme your responsibilities are; Mainly to ensure that the finances …
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Financial manager for BISO bathing

The goal of BISO bathing is to manage stress with fun and social gatherings, ice bathing (temperature therapy) and outdoor life. Anyone who wants to join is welcome! BISO bathing is searching for their new financial manager and if this is something you want to do, we want you to apply for the position! As …
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General manager for AIESEC

AIESEC is now looking for a new general manager! if you are ready for new experiences or want to contribute with good expertise, you can apply now. AIESEC BI is a student organization that offers students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through global and cross-cultural experiences. We focus on empowering students through work …
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Financial Manager for AIESEC

AIESEC is now looking for a new financial manager! if you are ready for new experiences or want to contribute with good expertise, you can apply now. AIESEC BI is a student organization that offers students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through global and cross-cultural experiences. We focus on empowering students through work …
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Medlemmer til BISO Law / Members to BISO Law

Vi i BISO LAW jobber med å skape sosiale og akademiske arrangementer for studenter som er spesielt interessert i juss. Vi sørger for at du får en tilnærmet juridisk kompetanse som er anvendelig og etterspurt i dagens marked. Du som medlem vil få delta på juridiske caser, foredrag fra advokater, mingling og sosiale kvelder. Høres …
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Head of Academics and Sustainability

Ledig stilling som Head of Academics and Sustainability BI Student Organisation Trondheim.   Vil du bli en del av ledelsen i BISO Trondheim? I rollen som Head of Academic and Sustainabily vil du bli en del av Campusledelsen i BISO Trondheim. Dette innebærer blant annet ansvar for Fagutvalget, Linjeforeningene og BISO Bærekraft. Sammen med resten …
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Daglig leder på BISO Kroa AS / General Manager at BISO Kroa AS

Fast stilling som daglig leder Som daglig leder har man overordnet ansvar for bardrift og de ansatte ved Kroa, samt at styrets beslutninger iverksettes. Daglig leder skal lede Kroa i samsvar med relevant lovverk. Daglig leder er også ansvarlig for å utarbeide budsjett og sørge for at det nås, inngå avtaler og kontrakter med leverandører …
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