PR & Communications Manager for MSc in Sustainable Finance

The PR and Communications manager’s main task is to convey all relevant information from the academic association, BISO, and BI to the students through the academic association’s social media. You are also responsible for ensuring that all content that is published on the associations channels, e.g. Instagram or the class groups on Facebook, do not …
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Business Relations Manager for MSc in Sustainable Finance

The Business Relations Manager’s main task is to establish stronger ties with the business world, in order to make the students of the study program even more attractive on the job market. The Business Relations Managers tasks include amongst having a connection with the business community and other schools. As the Business Relations Manager you …
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Academic Relations Manager for MSc in Sustainable Finance

The main responsibility as Academic Relations manager is to ensure that the students in our study program are taken care of and that they have a good learning environment. Among other things, you will be responsible for choosing class contacts, help plan academic events and make important decisions with the aim of creating the best …
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Financial Manager for MSc in Sustainable Finance

As financial manager, you are responsible for following up on all the financial matters that the academic association must take care of. As financial manager you are also the deputy manager and must work closely with the association manager so that you can assist when the association manager is not available. It is the financial …
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Association Manager for MSc in Sustainable Finance

The Association manager has overall responsibility for the academic association board and the students. As a association manager, you have the main responsibility for all board members, and ensure that the association board contributes to facilitating professional development, social environment and making the academic association attractive in working life. As a manager, some of the …
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Økonomiansvarlig Studentpolitisk Utvalg

Som økonomiansvarlig vil du ha det økonomiske ansvaret i SPU. Dette innebærer både budsjettering og økonomisk styring, samt å bistå i andre ansvarsområder som innehar økonomi i SPU. Du bør være: · I vervet bør du være strukturert, engasjert og ikke minst ha interesse for økonomi. Fordeler med vervet: · Du får god erfaring innenfor …
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Event Manager for BA in Digital Business

As event manager, you are responsible for both small and large events for the entire study program both on and off Campus. You have the main responsibility for arranging “linjedagen” in the buddyweek and other events. Your tasks include booking premises, keeping a close dialogue with the financial manager for financial support, and finding creative …
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Business Relations Manager for BA in Digital Business

The Business Relations Manager’s main task is to establish stronger ties with the business world, in order to make the students of the study program even more attractive on the job market. The Business Relations Managers tasks include amongst having a connection with the business community and other schools. As the Business Relations Manager you …
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Academic Relations Manager for BA in Digital Business

The main responsibility as Academic Relations manager is to ensure that the students in our study program are taken care of and that they have a good learning environment. Among other things, you will be responsible for choosing class contacts, help plan academic events and make important decisions with the aim of creating the best …
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PR & Communications Manager for BA in Digital Business

The PR and Communications manager’s main task is to convey all relevant information from the academic association, BISO, and BI to the students through the academic association’s social media. You are also responsible for ensuring that all content that is published on the associations channels, e.g. Instagram or the class groups on Facebook, do not …
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