Manager Hvetevenner

Etter 2 og et halvt år starter jakten etter en ny utvalgsleder for Hvetevenner.Om du er interessert i øl, og ønsker å være sentral i å gi studentene ved BI et tilbud der de kan kombinere å lære mer om det ølfaglige, samtidig som det bygges gode sosiale relasjoner, er dette vervet for deg. Stillingen …
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Manager BISO Outdoor

BISO Outdoor is now looking for a new manager. If this seems interesting, you can apply now! BISO Outdoor is an outdoor association for students at BI. We enjoy what Norwegian nature has to offer by going on excursions both far and near. We have social gatherings such as cabin trips and student parties. Both …
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Manager BISO Law

BISO Law is now looking for a new manager. If this seems interesting, you can apply now! BISO Law work to create social and academic events for students with a special interest in law. As a person you are: Work tasks: Motivation letter and CV can be sent to: HR Team Leader Rosanna Roos // …
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Manager Music Society

Are you passionate about the music industry, do you want to get more involved at BI, and are you looking to gain great experience put on your CV? Then this position is for you! Musikk Society is now looking for a new manager. If this seems interesting, you can apply now! As a person you …
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Manager Formula 1

Formula1 is now looking for a new manager. If this seems interesting, you can apply now! Formula1 is a social society who arranges pizza and watch F1 together. Both Norwegian and international students are welcome! As a person you are: Work tasks: Motivation letter and CV can be sent to: HR Team Leader Rosanna Roos …
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Manager for Børsgruppen

Børsgruppen is now looking for a new manager. If this seems interesting, you can apply now! Børsgruppen is an interest group that cultivates knowledge and interest in finance and economics. Both Norwegian and international students are welcome! As a person you are: Work tasks: Experience: Motivation letter, CV, and questions regarding the position can be …
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Manager Business Connect – OSLO

Business Connect is the junction-point for all dialog with the business-industry. This staff-function has the main responsibility of maintaining BISO’s CRM system. Business Connect cross-checks who the units in BISO can enter a partnership with, as well as ensuring that the terms agreed upon between BISO and partners is met from both sides. Business Connect …
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Koordinator – BI Athletics Bergen (tidligere BISI)

Vil DU være med å tilrettelegge og drifte BI Bergens mange studentidrettslag? BI Athletics Bergen (tidligere BISI) søker nå Koordinator for skoleåret 22/23 – kanskje du er den rette? På Landsmøtet til BISO i april ble det vedtatt at BISI skilles ut av studentorganisasjonen BISO. Med dette skapes en ny, selvstendig organisasjon ved navn BI Athletics. Dette innebærer …
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Medlemsansvarlig – BI Athletics Bergen

Vil DU være med å tilrettelegge og drifte BI Bergens mange studentidrettslag? BI Athletics Bergen søker nå Medlemsansvarlig for skoleåret 23/24 – kanskje du er den rette? BIA Bergen er studentidrettslaget på Handelshøyskolen BI – Campus Bergen. Vi jobber for å fremme og tilrettelegge for idrett og fysisk aktivitet i studenthverdagen. Vårt mål er at alle studentene …
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Manager Markedsutvalget – OSLO

Markedsutvalget is a staff-functions under BISO with area of responsibility in acquiring sponsors, discounts and partners for the benefit of BI students, as well as assisting other units in BISO with the same tasks. Markedsutvalget works with promoting these benefits out to the students. As Manager in Markedsutvalget, you will have the overall responsibility for …
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